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Well if this little man was not one of the most gorgeous babies I have ever laid eyes on! He was such a perfect little squish (and that thick black hair…my heart). The Banks fam was so incredibly sweet, and don’t even get me started on the big brothers and the way they loved on their new baby.
I have literally never photographed more doting (AND cooperative) big brothers at a newborn session! Just so so sweet. Baylor stayed cozy in his big brother’s arms all wrapped up in his soft swaddle. No wonder he didn’t want to wake up.
The Banks home did not have a ton of window light (especially considering the gloomy winter weather). But all we had to do was cozy up to a big glass door in their living/dining area for plenty of natural light!

I always make sure to grab some snuggle shots on a bed somewhere in the house too! The Banks had the perfect spot on their master bed right in front of a window. I love how naturally affectionate they were. It’s hard to force connection for a photo, and I definitely did not have to force anything with this sweet family!

Baby Baylor, you are one adored little guy!
Baylor’s mama was actually gifted this photography session by her super thoughtful sister-in-law while she was still pregnant! I LOVE when clients receive photo sessions as gifts, it is such an amazing and priceless gift to give a loved one getting ready to meet their baby.
Who do you know that needs an in-home newborn session in their life?? Reach out to learn more about that process, and we will get to work setting it up for them! I will send you a printable gift card (that will look amazing as a baby shower gift) and reach out to the mama-to-be when it’s time to schedule her session.