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Being an Indianapolis doula and birth photographer is always a pretty cool gig. As a doula, supporting and empowering a family through their pregnancy and birth is an incredible honor each and every time. Add to that the privilege of helping them preserve all the sweet details of their biggest day through photography, and it’s dream job status. And then…when I get to do all of this for clients who just happen to be my very own brother and sister-in-law meeting their first baby!?! It just doesn’t get any better than that, friends.

Katie’s labor started slowly at home that July morning. She called me around 10am to let me know she was 90% sure her water was leaking, but she was hesitant to go in for a labor check after having a false alarm a week before. She didn’t think she was having real contractions. Well, at least not at first! I started to realize things were picking up once I began getting texts from Joel that were increasing in seriousness, ha.
By mid afternoon (and after Katie had sufficiently scrubbed and cleaned through intensifying contractions at home) Joel dragged her it was decided that it was time to get in the car and head to the hospital. 🙂 I talked with them on the phone as they drove to the hospital, and after hearing Katie work through a contraction, I got my car keys. They made it to the hospital, got checked in, and found out Katie was ALREADY 8 CM. Um WHAT?! We won’t talk about how fast I started driving after that text…

I made it to IU North in record time and ran in the pouring rain through the parking lot, arriving to their room out of breath with mascara dripping down my face. I was definitely more of a hot mess than Katie! She was handling contractions like a total champ (and looking gorgeous as always).

As afternoon turned to evening, Katie decided it was epidural time. She got some well-deserved rest, and Joel might have been just a LITTLE bit relieved about this decision…

We all enjoyed a few peaceful, restful hours hanging out and relaxing before the hard work would begin again.

Baby girl seemed to start having second thoughts about leaving her cozy quarters! Contractions stayed steady, though, and vitals continued to look great. Katie’s care team was amazing and did not rush her through the process, allowing baby to work her way down before beginning to push.

Katie was her upbeat and cheerful self even when it came time to start pushing. She worked so hard while still managing to smile and giggle and crack jokes between contractions! The mood in the room was joyful and filled with anticipation to meet this baby.

Katie stayed determined through almost two hours of pushing. With her final push, baby girl emerged with a healthy cry and head full of thick black hair! She was placed immediately onto Katie’s chest, and stopped crying as soon as she heard her mama say “Hi baby girl!” Yes. Yes I was obviously sobbing into my camera viewfinder.

Welcome to the world, Norah Rae! You are so incredibly adored.

I think it’s safe to say this day was a highlight of my summer and a VERY welcome bright spot in 2020.
Thinking about hiring an Indianapolis doula and birth photographer for your upcoming birth? I’m currently accepting doula clients for 2021 throughout central Indiana! I would love to talk with you more about how you can still document your birth through photos while also receiving doula support–all in the midst of Covid regulations. It is still possible to have the best of both worlds, and I believe every mama deserves that! Contact me here to learn more.